North end homes
Architect: Christian Hurttienne Architects
Client: Develop Detroit
Location: Detroit, MI
Area: Single Family Homes 1,358sf each, Townhomes 1,120sf each
Phase: Completed 2019
CHA designed a single-family house and multi-family housing prototype to be implemented within the first phase of a multi-phase plan to build 52 new homes and renovate 18 homes in Detroit's North End and Grandmont Rosedale neighborhoods. The buildings are designed to blend a modern aesthetic with a sensitivity to the early 20th Century context of the North End neighborhood.
Working with massing, form, and materials, I contributed to the schematic design of the buildings. Common materials like masonry, lap siding, and asphalt shingles are massed and detailed in nontraditional ways. Deep muted blue, green, gray, and red colors were selected that fit with those of the existing homes.
I also filled the role of interior designer for the homes, developing two finish options for the perspective buyers. One with light, warm tones and one with darker, grey tones. I created renderings and material boards for marketing the project and oversaw the construction administration of the interiors.